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the 19th Annual Children Painting Competition 2023

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2024-03-01 08:45:21

The administrators and teachers would like to praise and congratulate the students of Demonstration School. International painting competition, the 19th Annual Children Painting Competition 2023, with the topic ' Me after 10 Years ', organized by the APHW Foundation, Japan.

Excellent Prize    Pasawin   Siripichtrakul   Grade 3/2    1st Prize APHW Prize   Kanyawee Singtui  Grade 3/3

First Prize Award   Rakrada  Thammaphimuk  Grade 3/2        Pimyada  Fangchaiyaphum  Grade 3/2

Second Prize Leelakhachonkiat, Grade 5/3

The organizers have chosen the images. of . Pasawin Siripichtrakul Prathom 3/2 is a public relations image of the agency and is distributed in various places. Practice by Teacher Phichai Niyomtham.