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Boy Scouts and Girl Guides teaching activities Learning to tie bow knots (Bowline)

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Boy Scouts and Girl Guides teaching activities
Learning to tie bow knots (Bowline


-Can be used as a noose to help others.

-Make a noose to attach to the main pole or object, such as tying a boat or raft to the stake, allowing the boat and raft to go up and down along the water.

- Make a noose around the main pillar. To tether pets such as cows and buffalo so that the animals can rotate around the main pole so that the rope will not become strangled.

-Used to make a noose for people to sit on. to lower someone to a low place or pull them up to a high place

-Used to hold a bow to bend the bow

-Used to make rope loops for towing heavy objects or making lassoes.

-Used to tie the end of a rope Tie the tank and set the tank to bed.