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Has shown the ability to sing Khamansayya

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2024-06-26 09:42:59

26 June 2024 Demonstration School organizes Sunthorn Phu Day activities. Academic year 2024 to celebrate and continue the work of Sunthorn Phu, Thailand's famous poet. In this event, there will be many activities organized that focus on enhancing knowledge and having fun for students. In this activity,  Chompapop Techaapornkul Grade 4/1 students showed their singing abilities. 'Khamansayya' which received warm praise and applause from all attendees. This performance was rehearsed by Teacher Suparanee Sarasa (Ajarn Amm), who is the caretaker and supporter of students in developing their singing skills to the fullest, helps promote students' skills and self-confidence.